Welcome to @analytics — Your Bluesky Profile Insights!

At @analytics, we believe that understanding your social presence is key to growing and engaging with your community on Bluesky. Our platform is designed to give you in-depth analytics on how your profile performs over time, offering valuable insights to help you stay informed and make data-driven decisions.

What we do

Once you sign up, our bot tracks your daily profile statistics—followers, following, total likes received, reposts, and posts. This data is then transformed into easy-to-read charts and graphs, helping you monitor trends, measure growth, and understand how your content resonates with others.

Why Choose @analytics?

  • Daily Tracking: Your profile stats are updated every day, so you always have the latest information.
  • Clear Visuals: See your progress in visual formats like graphs and charts.
  • Detailed Insights: Dive into stats like follower growth, engagement rates, and more.
  • Easy to Use: Intuitive design that makes it simple for you to explore and understand your analytics.

Whether you are a creator, influencer, or just a Bluesky enthusiast, @analytics provides you with the tools you need to elevate your presence on the platform.

Join us today, and let the data guide your journey!